La comunidad de Aetherius: una global negocio une religiosa chicos & damas en una meta cósmica

El pequeño Versión: En 1954, el Dr. George King obtuvo un correo electrónico a través del no identificado llamando llevar paz para todos y ampliar gente comprensión de la mundo. El hombre creó una empresa sin fines de lucro} llamada La Aetherius Sociedad para hablar las lecciones de una inteligencia de otro mundo {y ayudar|que asisten|que ayudan a los individuos de mente abierta embarcarse en un viaje de despertar religioso. Durante muchos años, la Sociedad proporciona reunido bueno poder de cientos de fans y amigos quién cuidado profundamente en lo que respecta a poner algunos globo un aún más disfrutando lugar. Cuando esto humanitario objetivo habla hacia precios, usted puede descubrir cómo exactamente servir la fuente involucrándose involucrado en un local capítulo en los EE. UU., el Reino Unido, Canadá, Australia, Japón, Suecia, así como otros naciones en todo el mundo. Desde una vez a la semana oración períodos hasta anual peregrinaciones, The Aetherius comunidad aprovecha un información y espiritual poder eso será más allá de percepción.


Really love es en realidad un místico poder cuando mira el universo. Ama enlaces personas, inspira mide, y proporciona significado a un número increíble de vidas físicas. Si bien puede que no siempre entenderlo, el amor es muy importante en cuanto a esto significa es persona real y exactamente lo que significa camino a terminar siendo vivo. Richard Lawrence, el Secretario Ejecutivo en el Aetherius comunidad para Europa, comparado me gusta líquido en solo uno de sus sermones: “Como existencia como la conocemos en el planeta nunca ocurrir sin agua, absolutamente nada adentro mercado podría existir sin amor. “

La Sociedad de Aetherius es histórica espiritual negocio centrada en torno a espiritual comprensión y actos humanitarias. Personas en la cultura confiar en mayor llamar para oferta humanidad acumulando y enviando bueno combustible. En 1955, un visionario yoga agarrar llamado Dr. George King comenzó el internacional espiritual sociedad después de que el chico obtuve comunicaciones telepáticas de un mayor. Él creía era en realidad su tarea compartir de manera justa el permanecer optimista mensaje de compasión, comodidad, y realmente amo.

Hoy, The Aetherius comunidad características una presencia en Londres, l . a., y muchos de pueblos y ciudades en todo el mundo. Sus personas con regularidad se juntan para difundir amar y terapéutico poder en su comunidades y a través del globo. Si piensas atraído por esta propósito sagrado, puede fácilmente elegir una conferencia, ir a una peregrinación, o participar con otros recuperación rituales {del|para el|de este|asociado con el|de|asociado con|con respecto al|del|en el|con el|en la organización. Todos, sin importar su propio antecedentes o opiniones, es en realidad gracias por visitar disfrutar de The Aetherius comunidad, impulsar su religioso comprensión , para encontrar un mayor función en la vida.

“Desde el empezar, todos nuestros principales principios fue solución para el mundo “, declaró el reverendo Oscar E. León con respecto al Aetherius comunidad. “estamos aquí mismo intentar entregar la cantidad máxima de alto religioso electricidad para todos mientras podamos “.

Dr. George King basado el Movimiento en 1955

En Podría 1954, un correo electrónico encontré Dr. George King, quien había sido un maestro de yoga y un trance medio, como él was at their dull in London. A gentle, yet firm, voice outside his human anatomy said to him: “get ready! You might be to be the vocals of this Interplanetary Parliament.”

Today, George had never ever heard of an interplanetary parliament, but the ethereal words kept him stunned. The guy knew he hadn’t thought all of them, but the guy cannot comprehend what they meant. The guy spent with the rest of their existence endeavoring to appreciate the plan set forth by that prophetic preliminary contact. Although the guy could not describe exactly why, the guy mentioned he comprehended without question that he had been called by an alien and powerful force to aid bring humankind straight back from verge of deterioration.

By developing his spiritual understanding and forging telepathic channels, George heard several other messages from extraterrestrial communicators, such as a Venusian Master called the Aetherius, and that’s a Greek word definition tourist through ether.

George formally began The Aetherius community in 1955. Their objective would be to spread the lessons regarding the alien gods and lead others down a path of enlightenment and serenity. The company has actually since grown into a worldwide movement encompassing hundreds of souls focused on living and loving on an increased religious degree.

Look for the incredible story of Dr. George King’s life work here. As George himself said, “I do maybe not ask the unbeliever to believe at a time, but just demand he applies whatever Aetherius states to their own explanation.”

Find Healing & Purpose on Pilgrimages to Holy Mountains

What links people in The Aetherius culture together is actually a powerful, heartfelt want to help others and make the world a much better destination. People from all areas of life, from Quakers to atheists, navigate into Aetherius community. “Our members come from variable backgrounds in accordance with different quantities of religious advancement,” Oscar stated, “however they all express the internal understanding or urge getting of religious service to the world.”

The organization makes it simple for newcomers to have included by welcoming them to attend divine solutions or prayer rituals. All week-long, members can immerse on their own into the sermons, lectures, workshops, and religious undertakings regarding the community. You’ll be able to lookup occasions online and discover if your local chapter convenes. The educational and friendly atmosphere motivates women and men to take part in the visualizations, mantras, and prayers focused on fostering globe serenity.

“It’s all extremely positive,” Oscar informed all of us. “There is plenty of vibrant prayers and customs used to cleanse the spirit and treat worldwide.”

One of many Aetherius culture’s most time-honored customs is actually their pilgrimages to holy hills that contain large amounts of spiritual electricity. The company understands 19 mountains faced with tremendous spiritual importance. Since 1959, countless members have actually traveled toward mountains to charge and advance their unique spirits.

During times of situation, the community attracts from the holy websites to produce good fuel to the globe to offset natural disasters, wartime dispute, governmental upheavals, and various other person disasters.

“anyone of every level of development can go to the hills and engage in a selfless act of service to contact the religious energies contained within it,” Oscar told all of us. “The experience varies from person-to-person, but it’s usually very good and uplifting. People of all faiths, or no specific religion, are thank you for visiting join these pilgrimages.”

Open-Minded people Offer Their particular Understanding & Support

From California to Australia, a huge selection of careful individuals have become followers of The Aetherius culture and discovered usual floor with spiritual those who display similar values. Sometimes the corporation features even fostered committed enchanting interactions.

Oscar informed united states he came across his spouse at an Aetherius culture event. She was actually a pal of just one on the people and attended a procedure Power Prayer event because she was interested in the community. The woman genuine interest and positive attitude caught Oscar’s attention. The guy informed united states he appreciates her capacity to understand their values and discuss their goals.

Today they can be cheerfully hitched and committed to the same reason for promoting comfort around the world. “She recognizes the importance of serving humankind,” the guy mentioned. “Our connection was priceless to my own personal spiritual development. It has been a blessing in plenty ways.”

Through Aetherius Society, numerous kind-hearted individuals have found community and company. The entity in question reduces obstacles between individuals and encourages hooking up on an increased spiritual airplane.

“It’s very vital at the moment within our record to bring people with each other and reach beyond borders,” Oscar said. “At the forefront of The Aetherius culture’s teachings is we’re one people, therefore should cooperate much more with one another.”

The Aetherius community Brings Enlightenment Through Service

“Love is an all-permeating fuel, that’s above mind,” Dr. George King when said in a sermon. “It is the great fuel of the cosmos.”

Although George passed away in 1997, his important message everyday lives on in The Aetherius culture. The will doing great, communicate love, and unite mankind pushes the organization onward, nowadays a new generation of spiritual people have stepped up to lead the culture in twenty-first century.

Through regular sermons, pilgrimages, along with other holy efforts, The Aetherius culture has actually furthered the religious journeys of countless men and women around the world. Anybody can relate to folks in this society and locate price in theories of love, comfort, and acceptance.

“It’s a cosmic mission, but it is prepared for everybody,” Oscar informed us. “All of our people, website visitors, and sympathizers show a want to serve which help recover the whole world through a greater cosmic comprehension of the world.”
