Our Mission
It is important your Credit File is an accurate and true reflection of your credit worthiness. A loan application may be refused or an interest rate significantly above the standard rate offered in the market place may be imposed. More importantly the disruption to your ability to borrow for purchases can be crippling and cause losses and costs amounting to thousands and thousands of dollars. KC Portfolio Capital has become one of the fasting growing credit repair companies. We have helped many people restore their credit file by removing listings which should not be there. We are here to help and guide you through any difficulty you may experience with your credit file. The team at KC Portfolio Capital are highly experienced and trained professionals able to solve most problems arising from adverse listings on a credit file. We welcome the opportunity to discuss your specific credit reporting issue. All inquiries are strictly confidential and an initial assessment of your specific problem and prospects of success will be discussed and best of all our initial discussions are free of charge.
Our Core Values
Customer satisfaction is our first priority. Whether it be a customer with an issue with their own Credit History and Credit Score position, or were a business partner has referred their customer to KC Portfolio Capital to address their current issues and concerns. Prompt attention, honesty, accuracy and transparency are a must. Realistic assessments of our customer’s position with suggested remedies and alternatives. Our integrity in our working relationships and ethics are a priority.

Nam Le
Credit Repair Services

Contact Us
(713) 826-9971
[email protected]
9999 Bellaire Blvd Suite 909
Houston, TX 77036
Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri: 9:00am-5:00pm